Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ragequits and noobie comments!

Today's post is about one of the most annoying things you can come across in a game of dota! Some people when they are loseing a game, get too emotion when it comes down to a stupid video game, we get people swearing, insulting other and other strange things over the internet.

One main thing that grinds my gears is the fact that people make up excuses for loseing, "oh if only i had this, then we would be winning." God, yes of course you would be winning if you had you best character with the ultimate set up, but thats IF it happens, thats just like saying, Oh yeah, i would be winning if i used cheats. IF can mean alot of things, it is one of the lamest excuses in the history of any game, "If i did this i would of won!" Well i got news for you buddy, you didnt do it, so you lost, deal with it and dont cry about it, its a simple game that people over react about all the time.

Yes alot of us are guilty for little spirts of anger, but when comes down to something as simple as losing a game, thats when you know that its timeout for a week or two, go out and get a LIFE.

Next thing on my list is the amount of people that leave a game because they get annoyed for dieing first, or getting new people on there team or for things again, not going there way. Calm down, focus, do whatever, just do not quit in the middle of a game, it ruins the whole fun, games are made for fun, you can have fun while loseing, i have proved it myself, just because you think you are the best, doesnt mean you are, Get over yourself!!!!!!

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