Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What not to do!

While playing Dota on the internet, the best thing what not to do is, DO NOT DRAG THE GAME OUT. If you can finish the game, then finish it, dont walking around and kill Roshan when you have mega creeps, dont feed off heros just to get your "perfect" item spec.

Many players who do this on the internet end up on a Banlist, my person banlist has about 100 people on it on the server U.S West that do not finish the game because they think because they are winning, they can do whatever the heck they want to do. Well guess what? YOUR WRONG, the most annoying thing that can happen is, a 30 minute game turning into a 1 hour game so you dont get time to play another. It is not fun and it is basically the worst thing in the history of the Dota maps!

To all those idiots that do this, learn to play, because you are in control of a game, doesnt make you god, finish the game off before you get kicked from every damned game that you want to join!!

Thats my personal opinion, come back for more info, tips and fire offs coming soon :D

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